Edge pods use in-cluster config to access Kube-APIServer
In edge scenario, edge and cloud are in different network environment typically, so edge pods cannot access Kube-APIServer through in-cluster config directly. When you deploy edge pods which need to use in-cluster config
mode, it will fail and the error message is as below:
unable to load in-cluster configuration, KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST and KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT must be defined
From KubeEdge v1.17.0, KubeEdge supports edge pods using in-cluster config
mechanism to access Kube-APIServer. If you need to use in-cluster config
feature, you need to enable metaServer
and turn on requireAuthorization
featureGate. The steps to perform the operation will be described in detail below.
Please ref to support in-cluster config proposal to get more details about the design of this feature.
Getting Started
When using keadm init
to deploy CloudCore, please enable dynamiccontroller
module and requireAuthorization
keadm init --advertise-address="THE-EXPOSED-IP" --kubeedge-version=v1.17.0 --set cloudCore.modules.dynamicController.enable=true,cloudCore.featureGates.requireAuthorization=true
If you have already deployed CloudCore without set dynamiccontroller
and featureGate, you can modify the configuration following these steps:
Modify CloudCore configuration
kubectl edit cm cloudcore -nkubeedge
and then setfeatureGates.requireAuthorization=true
apiVersion: v1
cloudcore.yaml: |
apiVersion: cloudcore.config.kubeedge.io/v1alpha2
requireAuthorization: true
enable: true
Create clusterrole for this feature.
The clusterrole required for this feature can be referenced from the file rbac_cloudcore_requireAuthorization. Add these clusterrole in the cluster.
Restart CloudCore Pod.
Install EdgeCore first
Modify EdgeCore configuration.
vi /etc/kubeedge/config/edgecore.yaml
and then setfeatureGates.requireAuthorization=true
apiVersion: edgecore.config.kubeedge.io/v1alpha2
kind: EdgeCore
requireAuthorization: true
enable: true
Save these modification and then execute sudo systemctl restart edgecore.service
to restart EdgeCore.
Deploy your edge pods
After set CloudCore and EdgeCore successfully, you can deploy your edge pods which need in-cluster config
mode to access Kube-APIServer.
If pods unable to access the Kube-APIServer normally, and the error message is as follows:
User "system:xxx:kubeedge:cloudcore" cannot create resource "xxx" in API group "xxx.k8s.io" at the cluster scope
It indicates that your pod requires additional clusterrole
permissions. You can manually configure the corresponding clusterrole
on the cloud side.